What is Microchipping?
A Microchip is something the size of a grain of rice which is inserted under the pet’s skin and contains a 15 digit unique code. This procedure is carried out by a Vet or Trained Microchip Implanter which takes only a few minutes and lasts a lifetime.
You and your pet’s details are stored on a database along with the Microchip code. When your missing pet is found, an Animal Professional – eg. A Vet, will scan the pet and be able to reveal the code that matches with your details that will allow you to reunite with your pet.
Will Microchipping Hurt My Dog?
Microchipping will not hurt your pet. It is a simple procedure with no anaesthetic required. This procedure should cause no more discomfort to your dog than a standard vaccination.
Do I Need to Microchip My Dog?
Microchipping is now compulsory since 6th April 2016 for all dog owners throughout the UK. It is also part of the law that all microchips need to be kept up to date with the owner’s information and if the information is out of date, a fine can be given.
Puppies must also be microchipped by the age of 8 weeks with the information of their current owner and updated if they receive a new owner. This law came into action to help lost dogs reunite with their owners quickly and easily. It is a permanent way of identifying your dog if they lose their collar or tag.
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